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Caring for your Violin

Want your violin, viola, or cello to last a really long time? Here are 20 tips and tricks for keeping your instrument in top playing condition!

20 Tips and Tricks to keep YOUR Stringed Instrument in Tip Top Shape

- contributed by Jamie Hacker

Picture of a LAAPA student performing on the violin at the Spring recital

Keep violin an bow in case when not in use.
Always loosen your bow before placing it in the case.
Rosin your bow only when needed...not every play.
Aways wipe rosin from bow, violin, and strings after each play.
Keep bridge at 90 degrees to the top plate. Keep it square with fingerboard.
Check bridge for alignment with fingerboard and FF hole notches each day.
If post falls down, loosen strings immediately.
If fingerboard comes unglued, loosen strings immediately.
Handle the violin only by the neck or chin rest area.
Change strings approximately every six months (depending on amount of play time).
Get the bow rehaired every six months for optimal performance (depending on amount of play time).
Learn to use the Pegs (and don't rely entirely on the fine tuners)
Remember, your instrument is only comfortable where you are! (Are you comfortable in a car trunk?) Environmental care will prevent post cracks!
Handling by anyone other than the player does most damage to the violin, viola, or cello!
Don't monkey with another's fiddle!
Accidental Damage: Most always caused by careless handling or rough-housing. One drop on concrete can TOTALLY DESTROY A VIOLIN.
LOVE your violin and it will repay you many times over in pleasure. RESPECT your instrument and be respectful of those next to you.

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